Jan 6, 2011

Asus G60 Wireless Problem After Windows Update

There was an issue with my G60VX laptop with an Intel Pro 5100 wireless card. After running windows update,  and installing a new driver update, my wireless stopped working. Do not update! It's kind of too late for that if you're reading this. Anyway, my wireless button was on, and yes I pushed Fn + F2 numerous times without success.

So here's the solution I found:

Press Fn + F2, then quickly press the Enter key, and you'll see the grayed out wireless icon on your screen light up with color, along with a checkmark next to it.

Next, put your laptop into sleep mode. Turn the laptop back on. And voila, your wireless should be good to go.

Jan 4, 2011

Skype for iPhone with Video Chat :: Available now for 2011

(image source: from Skype)

What may be the coolest App of the Year, Skype has enabled Video Calls for iPhone/iPod Touch. Yes, you heard me, for example, you can now video chat on your iPhone to your family overseas who are on their PC, Mac, iPod Touch 4g, etc. You can now do free video calls wherever you have an Internet connection whether it be 3G or WiFi. I know many have been waiting for this, and now it's here. Get it now on the App Store.

Jan 3, 2011

Joomla My Google Maps Extension

View Larger Map

Looking for a My Google Maps integration for Joomla? Mike Reumer at Reumer.net developed a great plugin that's easy as 1-2-3 to install and customize.


Sign up for a Google Map API Key (free):

Instructions for MSID usage:

(Tip for MSID usage. When you're entering your code, be sure you're in HTML editing mode and not rich format text editor)

For example HTML code: {mosmap msid='108595336348435880749.00044a946bcb3d5f61664'}

Other customizations:

Hope that helps,