Then after getting PHP5 recognized on my site, I had to uninstall the plugin. Reinstall, and then re-enable, then lastly all was well.
From 1and1:
Enabling PHP5
With 1&1 Linux hosting packages you have the choice between PHP 4 and PHP 5. To distinguish a script as PHP 5, simply name the script with the file extension .php5. While the PHP developers have done their utmost to ensure compatibility, we cannot guarantee that PHP 4 scripts will function 100% correctly under PHP 5. Please note that in contrast to PHP 4, the default for the variable RegisterGlobals and allow_url_fopen is "off". By default Apache uses PHP 4 for .php extension. If you don't want to rename all your scripts to .php5 you can do the following: Create a .htaccess file and place the following line: AddType x-mapp-php5 .php This will tell Apache to use PHP 5 instead of PHP 4 for the extension .php in the directory the .htaccess is placed and all sub-directories under it.
Checking your PHP version
One way to find out what version of PHP is currently being used by one of your sites is to create a PHP page with the phpversion(); function. Save this file as phpVersion.php to the same folder where all of your site files are located. Then access this page in a browser such as and view the output.
echo "The current PHP version being used is: " . phpversion ( );