Nov 28, 2018

How to: Installing Pi-hole on the Raspberry Pi w/CLI and SSH

This tutorial will build a Pi-hole server running on a Raspberry Pi 3. Pi-hole enables network-wide adblocking. Pi-hole is your own personal DNS Server and will not only protect your network from ads, but also from malicious websites, all the while improving page load performance. You will be able to access the Pi-hole via a web interface, and also manage the Raspberry Pi unit via SSH.

Hardware Required:

  • Raspberry Pi 3
  • 4GB+ microSD card
  • Ethernet
  • Monitor connected via HDMI
  • Keyboard

Step 1: Getting the Raspberry Pi up and running


Unzip the image

Download Etcher

Flash the image to the microSD card (use a 4GB card or larger)

Connect keyboard and monitor and power to Raspberry Pi

Boot up
Log in using


Change password using: passwd

Write down the MAC address

If possible, assign the Raspberry Pi a static IP from within your router/firewall

Reset the Raspberry Pi so that the device gets assigned the new IP address from the router/firewall

confirm the IP is correct

Step 2: Installing Pi-hole

From Raspberry Pi's CLI, enter the following commands:
wget -O
sudo bash

This will bring up the GUI to install Pi-hole. Use all of the default recommended settings.

Write down the password that is generated. This will be used to log into the web admin interface.

Step 3: Enabling SSH

From Raspberry Pi's CLI:

Enter sudo raspi-config in a terminal window
Select Interfacing Options
Navigate to and select SSH
Choose Yes
Select Ok
Choose Finish
Alternatively, use systemctl to start the service

sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh

Step 4: Configuring Pi-hole from web admin interface

Go to another computer/device connected to the same network

Open a browser

Visit the IP address of the Pi Hole device
Begin configuring Pi-hole.

Step 5: Set up Router's DNS settings to point to Pi-hole

Log into your Router
Change the DNS to point to the IP address of Pi-hole

Reboot all client machines to update their DNS server

Please consider making a donation to Pi-hole to support the development:

Nov 7, 2018

Fixed for Windows: WebM for Adobe Premiere not showing in Format Presets

Issue: After installing WebM from fnordware, WebM is not displayed in the Format and Presets drop down menu in Windows Adobe Premiere.

System: Windows 8.1 64 bit, Dual Partition with C: drive and D: drive, Adobe Premiere installed in D: drive.

Download and install:


Fix: The installer will place the WebM plugin in the following C: drive folder (which is why Adobe Premiere cannot see it because its in the wrong folder):

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\WebM.prm

Now copy the WebM.prm file to the following folders:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS6
D:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CS6\Plug-ins\Common
D:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS6\Plug-ins\Common

Exporting WebM

  1. If you have Adobe Premiere open, close it.
  2. Go to the Format drop down and now WebM will be selectable
  3. Choose your preset 
  4. Export