Problem: "Email not sent." is the message displayed after clicking Send Test Email.
- iDRAC Settings > Network/Security > Enter your DNS Domain Name (ex.
- iDRAC Settings > Network/Security > Set DNS Servers (this is so external SMTP domains can be translated)
- Apply
- System > Alerts > Click Enabled for Enable Platform Event Filter Alerts
- Apply
- System > Alerts > Email Alert Settings > Enter destination email and Email Description
- System > Alerts > Email Alert Settings > Enter in either your internal email server or external email relay. iDRAC 6 does work with external email relays outside of your organization.
- Apply
- System > Alerts > Email Alert Settings > Click Send to Test E-Mail
A successful email will be sent:
Subject: Alert from iDRAC
Message: [DELL IDRAC WARNING] Message: TEST PAGE Event: Email paging test to user. Date: 10/11/2019 Time: 13:41 Severity: Info/Normal